English Courses » Student Media: Sports PR

Student Media: Sports PR

Student Media: Sports PR:

This course provides students with the skills and practical experience to create and manage digital content for Zionsville athletics. Emphasizing sports reporting, public relations strategies, and digital media production, students will practice reporting, photography, videography, design, and social media management. Students will develop a deep understanding of sports communication, including covering events, conducting interviews, creating promotional materials, and working with community partners. Ethical principles and legal boundaries in sports journalism and public relations are emphasized, ensuring students create accurate, ethical, and engaging content. The course also prepares students for media or communication career paths. 


As Student Media is also an extracurricular activity, work outside of school hours is expected. In addition, leadership opportunities, such as student editor or content manager positions, are available through an interview process. Enrollment in this course requires submitting an application for approval.


Length:  Semester or Year

Offered: Fall/Spring

Number of Periods per Semester: One


Grade Level: 9-10-11-12

Course Prerequisites: None


Application:  Yes: https://forms.gle/9Z8BLRFxQaJbHLvJ8

Tryout : None

Counselor Approval Required: None


Dual Credit: No

Weighted:  Levels I, II, III No, Level IV Yes, Half Point


Diploma Path:  Directed Elective or Elective for All Diploma Paths, Fulfills a Fine Arts Requirement for the Core 40 with Academic Honors Diploma