English 10 Advanced Curriculum

ENGLISH 10 Advanced Curriculum: is designed for those sophomores who demonstrate advanced skills in vocabulary, reading, writing and critical thinking. By progressing through a differentiated, more advanced curriculum, the students will have mastered the basic skills in the language arts program (See English 10) as well as the skills in honors curriculum.  Students will study British and American literature.


Length: Year

Offered: Fall/Spring

Number of Periods per Semester: One


Grade Level: 10

Course Prerequisites:  English 9 H or Placement through the English Department


Application: None

Tryout : None

Counselor Approval RequiredYes, through the honors placement process.


Dual Credit: No

WeightedYes, Half Point


Diploma Path:  Fulfills an English/Language Arts requirement for all diplomas. 

Quantitative Reasoning: No

