Student Media : News I-IV
This course provides the study of and practice in of reporting, writing, editing, photography, design, and publishing of print and digital media for Harbinger student publications. Student Media: News offers practical training in publishing the school newsmagazine, video announcements, and other digital media to prepare for or explore media career paths. Students follow the ethical principles and legal boundaries that guide journalists. Students express themselves publicly with meaning and clarity for the purposes of informing, entertaining, or persuading. Because Student Media is also considered an extracurricular activity, some work and meeting time outside of school hours is required. In addition, student editor positions are available through an application process.
Length: Year
Offered: Fall/Spring
Number of Periods per Semester: One
Grade Level: 9-10-11-12
Course Prerequisites: Journalism I, Digital Media OR Digital Design, or unique experience
Application: None
Tryout : None
Counselor Approval Required: None
Dual Credit: No
Weighted: Levels I, II, III No, Level IV Yes, Half Point
Diploma Path: Directed Elective or Elective for All Diploma Paths, Fulfills a Fine Arts Requirement for the Core 40 with Academic Honors Diploma
Quantitative Reasoning: No