Speech I : Communication and Public Speaking
SPEECH I: COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC SPEAKING: This one-semester course offers an overview of the process of communication and provides a variety of public speaking experiences. Students will develop critical speaking and listening skills. Required speeches are the self-introduction speech, the informative speech, the persuasive speech, and the speech for a special occasion. Students will also perform literary interpretations and give sales pitches. Speech provides the study of and practice in the basic principles and techniques of effective oral communication. This course includes instruction in adapting speech to different audiences and purposes. Students have the opportunities to make different types of oral presentations including viewpoint, instructional, demonstration, informative, persuasive and impromptu. Students are given opportunities to express subject matter knowledge and content through creative, analytical, and expository writing, as well as reading a variety of literary genre related to course content and speaking assignments. This course emphasizes research using technology and careful organization and preparation.
Length: Semester
Offered: Fall and Spring
Number of Periods per Semester: One
Grade Level: 10-11-12
Course Prerequisites:
Application: None
Tryout : None
Counselor Approval Required: None
Dual Credit: No
Weighted: No
Diploma Path: Fulfills an English/Language Arts requirement for all diplomas.
Quantitative Reasoning: No
Other: Students are strongly encouraged to take this course concurrently with an English 10, English 10 H, English 11, English AP Lit, English 12 or English AP Lang course.