2025-26 Physical Instructions
Online Forms
ZCS has partnered with FinalForms to allow you to complete and sign athletic participation forms for your students. FinalForms saves data from season-to-season and year-to-year, so you will never need to enter the same information twice! FinalForms also pre-populates information wherever possible, for each of your students, saving you time.
You may review your data at any time to verify it is current. You will be required to sign your forms once per year and after any update. You now upload your Physical Form directly into your FinalForms account, rather than submitting a hard copy to the Athletic Office. Please note that physicals must be submitted through the PARENT'S Final Forms account and not the student's account.
The Parent Playbook (view here) will help get you started in FinalForms. ALL parents of athletes must use FinalForms.
Please register at: and follow the prompts to create your account, create your students and sign your forms.
IHSAA Physical Examination Form
The online forms include the first two pages of the IHSAA History Form, so you are only required to submit the one-page Physical Examination form to ZCHS after you have your doctor sign it. Please note that physicals must be submitted through the PARENT'S Final Forms account and not the student's account. Doctors will need your completed History Form pages in order to fill out their physical page, so you after you fill out the History Pages electronically, you can print them out to take to your doctor’s visit.
Thank you for your assistance in streamlining our paperwork processes for Zionsville High School Athletics. If you have any questions, please contact April Haffner at [email protected].
Student Random Drug Testing (RDT) Program:
On April 10, 2017 the ZCS Board of School Trustees adopted Policy 5530.01 creating a random drug testing program for all high school students participating in extracurricular activities or purchasing a pass to park on campus. Each student wishing to participate in extracurricular activities or park on school grounds will need to complete a consent form enrolling in the testing program. This form requires the signatures of both the student and a parent/guardian. This form is completed electronically through Final Forms. For purposes of this Drug and Alcohol Testing Program, the term "extracurricular activities" means all athletic programs, student government, and recognized school clubs.