Advanced Placement (AP) English Literature and Composition
ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) ENGLISH LITERATURE AND COMPOSITION: This course offers a rigorous approach to the study of American literature. This year-long Advanced Placement course is aligned with College Board guidelines and will prepare students to take the AP English Literature and composition exam in May. Students will explore the literary perspectives of American culture from colonization to the present, through a variety of intensive reading and writing, as well as creative and critical thinking experiences. Students should possess a strong interest in literature and be willing to be academically challenged. Students will read from college level texts and supplemental materials and major literary works including non-fiction, novels, short stories, poems, plays and essays. This course includes group work and group grades will be given as well.
Length: Year
Offered: Fall/Spring
Number of Periods per Semester: One
Grade Level: 11
Course Prerequisites: English 10 or English 10 Honors
Application: None
Tryout : None
Counselor Approval Required: None
Dual Credit: No, Possible AP Credit
Weighted: Yes, Full Point
Diploma Path: Fulfills an English/Language Arts requirement for all diplomas.
Quantitative Reasoning: No
Other: Advanced Placement and dual credit courses use collegiate texts and are likely to have higher textbook and consumable fees.