Course Planning & Descriptions

Welcome to Course Planning & Descriptions!
Course registration is an exciting, important, and challenging part of the high school journey.  Selecting classes is the opportunity to not only explore your college and career goals but your interests and passions as well.


ZCHS offers a wide variety of courses that allow you to individualize your own path. Identifying your own interests, strengths, and challenges are key to selecting appropriate courses. Would selecting a course in the arts allow you to explore a passion? Would a course through J Everett Light Career Center allow you to experience hands on learning in an interested career pathway?  Studies in math and science open doors but so does becoming fluent in a world language. Would a social studies course allow exploration with a societal interest?  Choosing course rigor is also an individual process that involves consideration of your academic strengths, interests, and time commitment. Several of our academic departments offer Advance Placement (AP) and/or dual credit courses that allow you to dive deeper into content areas while developing and fine-tuning critical thinking and academic skill sets.  Overall, the only perfect path is the one individualized to meet your talents and hopes.


Course planning involves speaking with your parents, teachers, and counselors.  The information presented here includes state diploma requirements, general enrollment procedures and guidelines, department overviews, and detailed information about each course offered at ZCHS. This is all designed to provide you with the information to make informed decisions that allow you to grow as a learner.