Electronic Music II

ELECTRONIC MUSIC II: is continuation of the study of the integration of electronics into the world of music performance.  Students will review the basics of acoustics and will perform advanced engineering techniques.  Extracurricular experiences in engineering will be provided, including visitation of and collaboration with the local recording industry.  Students in “Electronic Music 2” will be the basis for the Zionsville Performing Arts Center Audio Engineering Staff. The class will also allow students opportunities to continue their work with MIDI technology and electronic music composition.  Composition and arranging will be a large component of this class. Electronic Music I is a prerequisite for this course.  Submission of the “El. Mus. 1” portfolio for review will assist in determining placement in El. Mus. 2.  Theory review will be included in the coursework as needed.  This class will have a moderate extracurricular component linked with music performance events in the ZCHS P.A.C.

Fall or Spring                          

Prerequisite: Electronic Music I                      

Grade Level: 9-10-11-12


An AHD fine arts course or a Core 40 elective