Spanish VI Honors AP

SPANISH VI Honors AP: Spanish VI Honors AP is a course based on content established by the College Board. Emphasizing the use of the Spanish language for active communication, the AP Spanish Language course has as its objective the development of advanced listening comprehension, reading without the use of a dictionary, expanded conversational skills, fluent and accurate written expression, and strong command of vocabulary and structure of the Spanish language. Course content might best reflect interests shared by the students and the teacher, e.g. the arts, current events, sports, etc. The AP Spanish Language course seeks to develop language skills that are useful in themselves and that can be applied to various activities and disciplines rather than being limited to any specific body of subject matter. Extensive practice in the organization and writing of compositions should also be emphasized.


Length: Year

Offered: Fall/Spring

Number of Periods per Semester: One


Grade Level: 12

Course Prerequisites: Spanish V


Application: None

Tryout : None

Counselor Approval Required: None


Dual CreditNo, Possible AP Credit

Weighted: Yes,  Full Point


Diploma PathFulfills a World Language Requirement for all Diplomas

Quantitative Reasoning: No


OtherAdvanced Placement and dual credit courses use collegiate texts and are likely to have higher textbook and consumable fees.