Spanish IV Honors
SPANISH IV Honors: Spanish IV Honors, a course based on Indiana’s Academic Standards for World Languages, provides a context for integration of the continued development of language skills and cultural understanding with other content areas and the community beyond the classroom. The skill sets that apply to the exchange of written and oral information are expanded through emphasis on practicing speaking and listening strategies that facilitate communication, such as the use of circumlocution, guessing meaning in familiar and unfamiliar contexts, and using elements of word formation to expand vocabulary and derive meaning. Additionally, students will continue to develop understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures through explaining factors that influence the practices, products, and perspectives of the target cultures; reflecting on cultural practices of the target cultures; and comparing systems of the target cultures and the student’s own culture. This course further emphasizes making connections across content areas through the design of activities and materials that integrate the target language and cultures with concepts and skills from other content areas. The use and influence of the Spanish language and cultures in the community beyond the classroom is explored through the identification and evaluation of resources intended for native Spanish speakers.
Length: Year
Offered: Fall/Spring
Number of Periods per Semester: One
Grade Level: 10-11-12
Course Prerequisites: Spanish III
Application: None
Tryout : None
Counselor Approval Required: None
Dual Credit: No
Weighted: Yes, Half Point
Diploma Path: Fulfills a World Language Requirement for all Diplomas
Quantitative Reasoning: No