French VI AP

FRENCH VI AP: This 6th year course is designed to follow the Advanced Placement course description from the College Board. Students will prepare themselves to take the Advanced Placement exam in May.  The course curriculum is aligned with College Board guidelines. French VI students will share their analysis and personal reactions to expository and literary texts with peers and speakers of French; exchange, support, and discuss their opinions and individual perspectives with peers and speakers of the foreign language on a variety of topics dealing with contemporary and historical issues; select and analyze a variety of literary genres in French; demonstrate an increasing understanding of the cultural nuances of meaning as expressed in the literature; create increasingly more sophisticated stories and poems, short plays, or skits based on personal experience and exposure to themes, ideas, and perspectives from the French cultures; and prepare a research-based analysis of a topic.  Students will also exhibit an in-depth knowledge of at least one significant literary, musical, and artistic period and understand the relationship of the various art forms of that period in the French speaking cultures and an ability to show appropriate behavior within the French culture at a variety of social, business, and public events.


Length: Year

Offered: Fall/Spring

Number of Periods per Semester: One


Grade Level: 12

Course Prerequisites: French V


Application: None

Tryout : None

Counselor Approval Required: None


Dual Credit: No

WeightedYes, Full Point


Diploma PathFulfills a World Language Requirement for all Diplomas

Quantitative Reasoning: No


Other:  Advanced Placement and dual credit courses use collegiate texts and are likely to have higher textbook and consumable fees.