French VI Honors AP
FRENCH VI Honors AP: French VI Honors AP, a course based on Indiana’s Academic Standards for World Languages, provides a context for students to demonstrate the ability to use the target language to interact in a wide range of culturally and socially authentic and/or simulated situations. This course focuses on the degree of ease and accuracy with which students are able to communicate in the target language, as well as the culturally-appropriate nature of the communication. Additionally, students will further develop understanding of French-speaking cultures through discussing changes in interrelations among and factors that influence the practices, products and perspectives of the target cultures; and researching and comparing the origins of idiomatic, colloquial and proverbial expressions in the target language. This course further emphasizes the integration of concepts and skills from other content areas with the target language and cultural understanding, as well as the use of the French language and cultural understanding outside of the classroom.
Length: Year
Offered: Fall/Spring
Number of Periods per Semester: One
Grade Level: 12
Course Prerequisites: French V
Application: None
Tryout : None
Counselor Approval Required: None
Dual Credit: No
Weighted: Yes, Full Point
Diploma Path: Fulfills a World Language Requirement for all Diplomas
Quantitative Reasoning: No
Other: Advanced Placement and dual credit courses use collegiate texts and are likely to have higher textbook and consumable fees.