ZCHS Athletic Trainer: Tiffany McKinley (Email Tiffany)
Tiffany McKinley, LAT, ATC is a 2016 graduate from Ball State University where she received her Bachelor of Athletic Training, and 2004 graduate of Vincennes University where she received her Associate of Science with a concentration in Sports Medicine. Tiffany is from Anderson, Indiana and attended Anderson, High School from 1998-2002 where she was a student-athlete herself.
Tiffany has a passion for athletic training and providing exception care to all athletes she works with. While obtaining her degree at Ball State University, Tiffany worked with the local high schools, Central Indiana Orthopedics, Division I softball, gymnastics, football, and basketball athletes. Tiffany also has provided her athletic training services for and NCAA Division III Swimming and Diving Championships, USA gymnastics, and various football, basketball, and soccer tournaments. Tiffany brings passion for what she does in athletic training and uses her resources to ensure each student athletes will receive quality patient centered care.
When she is not helping the Zionsville High School students she is at home enjoying time with her son, friends, and family.
ZCHS Athletic Trainer:
Kenzlie Westerfield (Email Kenzlie)
Kenzlie Westerfield, MS, LAT, ATC graduated from DePauw University in 2017 with a Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology. While there, she played golf for 4 years and was involved in other organizations on campus. She earned a Master of Science in Athletic Training degree from Franklin College in 2019. She is a 2013 graduate of Boone County rival, Lebanon High School.
Kenzlie loves to help athletes realize their full potential as competitors. She takes pride in her work and loves seeing athletes make progress with treatment. Prior to working at ZCHS, Kenzlie was an athletic trainer for Syracuse University Men’s Lacrosse (Go Orange!) and North Central High School in Farmersburg, Indiana. While completing her master’s degree, she also worked with teams at Duke University, Indiana University, Butler University, Franklin College, and Whiteland Community High School.
Kenzlie enjoys golfing, watching sports, traveling, cooking, and spending time with friends, family.
ZCHS Athletic Trainer:
Michelle Witt (Email Michelle)
Michelle Witt, MS, LAT, ATC is a 2020 graduate from Hanover College where she received her Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology and was a student-athlete herself. In 2022, Michelle graduated from Bellarmine University where she received her Master of Science in Athletic Training. Michelle is from Carmel, Indiana and attended Carmel High School from 2012-2016.
Michelle has always had a passion for helping others achieve their goals in life or in sport. While obtaining her degree at Bellarmine University, Michelle worked with the local high schools, Bellarmine University Men’s Lacrosse, University of Louisville Track and Field, basketball, and baseball athletes in the Dominican Republic, and was the student-director of the club sports clinic. Michelle provides each student athlete with the support and kindness that is needed for quality patient care.
When she is not helping the ZCHS students, she is at home spending time with her partner, friends, family, and cat.
ZCHS Team Physician:
Dr. Skyler Gick (Email Dr. Gick)
Hours/Availability: The athletic training room is open on school days from the end of school (final bell) until events end and on Saturdays as needed.
Our Roles: To provide care for our athletes. We evaluate injuries, provide first aid, rehabilitation or taping/bracing as necessary. We are available for every athlete to see after school to address any problems they may be experiencing. We will make a decision on whether an athlete can participate and if their injury requires them to visit a doctor. We will not allow any athlete to continue to play if we believe they may harm themselves further.
What we expect from parents: We expect that we will be able to work together to care for your child. Please notify us if your athlete was injured during a practice, game or even at home so that we may be aware of the injury. This is preferable by email unless you need to talk to us directly. If you have questions regarding your athlete’s injury, please feel free to call, email or visit by appointment to discuss it further.
If your athlete is seen by a doctor regarding an injury or other reason affecting their participation in sports, it is the responsibility of the parent to make sure that a note indicating your athlete’s current participation status and continuing needs are conveyed in writing by their doctor and brought to the athletic trainer in a timely manner.
Physicals: All ZCS Athletes must have their physical and online forms completed before any preseason workouts are attended.
Click here for information on how to submit physicals and complete online forms.
ImPACT Testing:
This is a computerized neurophysiological test to help determine normal brain function. This is a tool used to determine when an athlete is ready to return to play following a concussion. It is required for most athletes participating in sports at ZCHS. All ImPACT testing will be completed as a team once all cuts are made. Sports that do NOT require ImPACT testing include golf, tennis, cross country, track (except for hurdlers and pole vaulters), swimming (except for divers).
Participation following an injury:
IHSAA Rule 9-14: Practice Attendance Required to Participate in a Contest
A student-athlete shall attend and actively participate in regularly scheduled practice sessions to be eligible for inter-school athletic competition. If, as a result of a school strike, student suspension, athletic suspension, health limitation or other similar reasons, a student shall fail to attend and actively participate in regularly scheduled practice sessions, such student shall be required to complete the following prior to participation:
- Attendance and active participation in preseason practices, if applicable;
- Attendance and active participation in four (4) school-supervised practice sessions of normal length, which shall occur on four (4) separate days prior to the day of the contest, if the student fails to attend and actively participate in more than four (4) but less than eleven (11) consecutive days of regularly scheduled practice
- Attendance and active participation in Six (6) school supervised Practice sessions of normal length, which shall occur on Six (6) separate days prior to the day of the Contest, if the student fails to attend and actively participate in more than Ten (10) consecutive days of regularly scheduled practice.
Interpretation of Rule 9-14:
Days Missed # of Practices Required
5 to 10 4
More than 10 6
Nutrition/Hydration: We will provide water for all the athletes for home games. Please send your child to practices with their own water bottle. Watch for weight loss of your athlete and be sensible about diet and exercise.
Hygiene: Please remind your athletes about good hygiene. Athletes must shower as soon as possible after every practice and game. Athletes should not share towels (send one with your athlete), soap or deodorant. Please make sure they are bringing home their gear and properly disinfecting it on a weekly basis. It is helpful to send your athlete with disinfecting wipes to store in their locker for daily use. Washing hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water helps prevent the spread of infection.
For more information about any of the above topics, please contact the athletic trainer for your school.