Advanced Science - Forensic Science

ADVANCED SCIENCE – FORENSIC SCIENCE: This course will familiarize students with the basic principles and uses of forensic sciences in crime scene investigations.  Students will be introduced to crime scene analysis and techniques.  The course will focus on the basic applications of the physical, chemical, medical and behavioral sciences to questions of evidence and law.  It will include topics such as hair and fiber evidence, glass and soil analysis, drugs, ballistics, arson, serology, DNA, prints, entomology and basic anthropology. Students will study crime scene analysis and techniques as well as many cases in both recent times and also in history.


Length: Year

Offered: Fall/Spring

Number of Periods per Semester: One


Grade Level: 10-11-12

Course Prerequisites:  Recommended:  ICP or Chemistry and Biology (Chemistry may be taken concurrently with Forensic Science)


Application:  None

Tryout : None

Counselor Approval Required: None


Dual Credit:  No

Weighted:  Yes, Half Point


Diploma Path: Counts as a Science Course for all Diplomas

Quantitative Reasoning: No

