Zionville Sports Network
About ZSN
Zionsville Sports Network (ZSN) is a student-founded, student-run, non-profit club. We were founded in 2016 by Drew Bertram and Lucas Fox. The Zionsville Sports Networks goal is to give athletes and students of ZCHS the chance to support their fellow classmates through sports broadcasting. All of our equipment was either bought through donations of Zionsville residents and also the generosity of ZEF.
Thank you ZEF!
ZSN would like to thank Zionsville Education Foundation for their support of ZSN by rewarding us with the Student Enrichment Grant. The ZEF student enrichment grant is given to student clubs in need of funding. ZSN has been in the market for new equipment. So now, thanks to ZEF we were able to get the needed equipment and greatly improve the quality of our streams. For more information on Zionsville Education Foundation please visit: http://zionsvilleeducationfoundation.org/