Questions or concerns about instructional materials or methods will follow the regular Board of School Trustees’ Policy. The issue will be discussed first with the classroom teacher. If the issue is not resolved, the principal should be contacted. The principal may ask the parent to complete a "Curriculum Concern Form" designed for this policy which will clearly define the concern or complaint. If the concern is not resolved between the parent and the principal, it will be referred to a review committee jointly appointed by the principal and superintendent.
Each school will maintain a review committee for the purpose of receiving and reviewing properly filed concerns. The Curriculum Concern Form must be completed in its entirety before the concern will be referred to the committee. The committee will be composed of five (5) members. Two members will serve on a permanent basis; these members consist of one professional staff member and one parent/patron. One additional staff person and one parent/patron will be appointed specifically for each review. These committee members will be appointed because of their particular expertise and their ability to evaluate information in an unbiased manner. The superintendent will appoint one administrator to serve as the fifth member, to chair the committee deliberations, and to prepare the written report and decision of the committee.
When a signed form is received which has not been resolved between the parent and principal, the review committee will be convened and will evaluate materials and/or methods outlined in the complaint. The parent initiating the review will also be given an opportunity to present the concern to the committee orally in addition to presenting the written documentation. The committee has the discretion to request additional information as they deem appropriate.
After the committee members have received and reviewed the concern and related materials, and conducted interviews, as needed, the committee will meet to make a decision on what, if any, action should be taken on the concern. The decision of the committee will be reported by the chairperson in writing to the individual requesting the review, to the principal and to the superintendent.