Bell Schedule


Monday, Thursday, and Friday will operate on a seven period schedule.  Tuesdays and Wednesdays will operate on a modified block schedule with four periods meeting on each of these days.  The eighth period that is created in this model provides the time for our Mentor Access Period (MAP) sessions to meet for 57 minutes on most Wednesdays. 

We will operate on the regular seven period schedule each day during back to school week August 13, 14, 15 and 16.  The first block days will begin on August 20 and 21 and continue throughout the year.  (We will run special schedules during Homecoming, PSAT testing, Thanksgiving, semester 1 finals, MLK, SAT testing, and semester 2 finals weeks.  You will receive more information on these schedules closer to the event/testing windows.) 

Please note, on Wednesdays, beginning August 21, ZCHS classes start at 9:07.  This delayed start accommodates the weekly meetings of our Professional Learning Communities.  Buses will run 30 minutes later on the delayed start days. 

hs bell schedule