Advanced Composition (IU Dual Credit)

ADVANCED COMPOSITION (IU Dual Credit): This is a course in critical reading, writing, and thinking with sources in which students will experience the varied range of academic writing.  Students will master the skills of summary, critique, analysis, synthesis, research, and documentation.   Students will also learn to adapt the writing process and apply various organization strategies to match the purpose of the individual assignments.  Topics for writing will be developed from reading about and discussing in depth issues under debate in different disciplinary fields and among the general public.  Students are asked not only to discuss and write about these issues but also to examine the different analytical frameworks and assumptions that various authors and we ourselves bring to such conversations. (Students enrolled in W131 can earn 3 credits from IU – pending acceptance from Indiana University Advanced College Project Program).


Length: Semester

Offered:Fall and Spring

Number of Periods per Semester: One


Grade Level: 12

Course Prerequisites:English 9, 10, 11.   Acceptance into Indiana University as a High School Dual Credit Student including a minimal GPA of 2.7.  


Application:  Yes, through IU for students interested in dual credit.

Tryout :  None

Counselor Approval Required: None


Dual Credit: Yes

Weighted: Yes, Full Point


Diploma Path: Directed Elective or Elective for All. One semester of English requirement.

Quantitative Reasoning: No


Other:  Students planning to use this as a dual credit requirement for the Academic Honors Diploma should realize dual credit status depends on acceptance from Indiana University.


Advanced Placement and dual credit courses use collegiate texts and are likely to have higher textbook and consumable fees.